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develops, manufactures and sells intelligent software and devices that process images within the context of security and traffic control. Our clients are system integration companies who construct outstanding innovative technological systems for their partners by incorporating our state-of-the-art technology. Nowadays our satisfied partners in more than 200 countries worldwide. We are on the market since 1991, committed to innovation, quality and reliability. We can offer you other .
Meet us and see a live demonstration. At our 2015 exhibitions! ASIS International 61st Annual Seminar and Exhibits 2015. Anaheim, California, USA.
Wir sind nicht einmal darüber ungehalten, wenn bei der Einfahrt in einen Parkplatz das Nummernschild unseres Autos mit Hilfe von Kameras automatisch gespeichert wird. Sicherheit ist heute ein individuelles und gesellschaftliches Interesse, ähnlich wie in alten Zeiten. im Dienste der Sicherheit des Einzelnen und der Gesellschaft. Beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung, Erzeugung und Vermarktung von sicherheits.
Extremely wide usage of the mobile devices! Usable on earth, water and even in the air! Raquo; API and SDK. Raquo; Passport Reader Software.
στην υπηρεσία του ατόμου και της κοινωνίας. Η AR Hungary, Inc. Αναπτύσσει, παράγει και πουλά μέσα ασφάλειας της συγκοινωνιακής τεχνικής και πληροφορικής που βασίζονται στη διανοητική επεξεργασία εικόνων. Οι συνέταιροί της είναι επιχειρήσεις συναρμολόγησης και προσαρμογής συστημάτων, οι οποίες με την εφαρμογή των πιο σύγχρονων καινοτομίων της τεχνολογίες εγκαθιστούν στους πελάτες τους συστήματα εξαιρετικά υψηλού τεχνικού επιπέδου.
La seguridad personal y de la propiedad privada se han convertido en una gran industria. Tenemos asumido que nos inspeccionen en muchos lugares para nuestra propia seguridad. Es normal que al entrar en algún edificio o parking nos registren automáticamente la matrícula del coche. Actualmente, la seguridad es de interés crucial tanto para los individuos como para la sociedad en general. tecnología para la seguridad individual y de la sociedad.
Lorsque nous allons dans des parkings ou immeubles. dveloppe, fabrique et distribue. A ce jour, environ 2000 partenaires, dans plus de 200 pays,.
- u službi sigurnosti pojedinca i društva. Razvija, proizvodi i prodaje informacijska sredstva sigurnosne i prometne tehnike koja se temelje na inteligentnoj obradi slika. Njegovi kupci su poduzeća za integriranje sustava koja ih s primjenom najmodernijih inovacijskih tehnologija instaliraju do visoke tehničke razine svojim partnerima. U čemu je tajna uspjeha? 1990 godine smo s nekoliko mojih mladih kolega.
Budapest, H-1142
Budapest H-1142, -, -
Kertesz, Attila
Kertesz, Attila
Ungvar u. 64-66.
Safrany, Balazs
Safrany, Balazs
Vaci ut 37, -, -
Budapest H-1134
ANPR is an organization created to communicate for, about and with National Park Service employees of all disciplines; to promote and enhance the professions, spirit and mission of NPS employees; to support management and the perpetuation of the NPS and the National Park System; and to provide a forum for professional enrichment. PLANS ARE TAKING SHAPE for the next Ranger Rendezvous. Check this new page for detaeils. SEASONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM.
Comissão Temporária da Reforma Política. Por um país livre de corrupção. Conheça as propostas do MPF para o combate à corrupção. Nova Diretoria toma posse em AGO. Procuradores da República reiteram confiança no .
Pensionari Pensie Asociatia Nationala a Pensionarilor din Romania - ANPR. ANPR - Asociatia Nationala a Pensionarilor din Romania este o organizatie umanitara, neguvernamentala, apolitica, non-profit ce militeaza pentru sprijinirea, protejarea, apararea drepturilor, intereselor si demnitatii pensionarilor si persoanelor defavorizate. Asociaţia Naţională a Pensionarilor din România, Asociaţia Naţională Cultul Eroilor Regina Maria , Asociaţia Creştină Sfântul Arhanghel Mihail. 19 mai 2014, ora 12.
ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition. Or Automatic Number Plate Recognition. ANPR uses OCR, or Optical Character Recognition to identify the numbers and letters on a number plate. These are then usually stored in a central database and as long as the cameras themselves are set up for ANPR they can be used to cover a surprisingly large amount of space. Two cameras can cover both directions of the 27 lane Dartford crossing motorway.
Soluções e Tecnologia para tratamento do ar - Consumo de energia. Comissionamento Ferramenta de Qualificação dos Edifícos. Especial Qualidade do Ar Interior-. Nos dias 09 e 10 de Junho, no Mercure Joinville - SC- Brazil - Inscrição Gratuita. 19 Feira Internacional de Refrigeração, Ventilação, Ar condicionado. Entre os dias 22 e 25 de Setembro de 2015 - São Paulo Exhibition and Convention Ceneter - SP.